isPalindrome in C++ Code

This line defines the function isPalindrome that takes a string s as input and returns a boolean value.

This line creates an empty string clean which will store the cleaned-up version of the input string.

This loop iterates over each character c in the input string s. If c is alphanumeric (i.e. a letter or a number), it is converted to lowercase using tolower and appended to the clean string. Otherwise, it is ignored.

These lines initialize two variables i and j to represent the indices of the first and last characters of the clean string, respectively.

This loop compares pairs of characters from the beginning and end of the clean string. If any pair of characters does not match, the function immediately returns false. If all pairs of characters match, the function returns true

This line returns true if the input string is a palindrome (i.e. all pairs of characters match), and false otherwise.

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